Mobile providers to succee門年d six strategies

更新時間:2015-09-09 20:34:41點擊:151042 Entreprise's news

First, we must recognize that討醫 mobile device users do not h的朋ave a huge impact on the mobile bus亮關iness, which is an undeniable 做女fact that importan上物t. Electricity supplier website multi離你channel marketing l務媽ead single trad嗎西ing day has lef房信t us. Mobile provid動上er in order to seize these mobil很匠e users, we must c聽鐘hange the method of personality, ra她但ther than waiting and 話北reacting to the transa微紅ction. On promo跳一tion channels, usu白音ally choose a single approach, such a也暗s e-mail or offline t拿光he ultimate mobile application on the男這 need to maintain t亮化he degree of time onli村土ne. They failing too lazy to direc子又t mobile users to遠土 provide benefits and value得美 of services, it is based o光外n more indirect user activ坐慢ities such as紙弟 login or access a 對了URL. 2, highly integrated Have東歌 to say, the web an村飛d mobile clients seamlessly togethe有也r which is somethin北是g of a landmark. Service樹玩-oriented ar資道chitecture that allows different ap數文plications to communicat歌河e with each other like ne如腦ver did in the past. Integ西們rate various resources to provide c音雜ustomers with value, which is t音雪he key to moving ele吃行ctricity supplier. Onlin紅工e that provide custome他歌rs with promotions, for promotion eff知間ect is not signific坐子ant, but it has a special meaning in th日明e mobile network. Now相站 is the time 公秒to allow players outs說的ide the app phone concern, ca去動n provide more valu光鄉e to their par湖員tners and other integration. 3, 山空socialization Socializati雜呢on has been considered mobile phone ha麗事rdware killer app. Combined electr為下icity supplier and mobile店花 clients, must have two char市從acteristics of微煙 marketing and promotional act議如ivities, while still allowing users t還道o set up a group to share social media匠鐵 comments. Through creat雪聽ive ways to make consumers and their 為自network systems involved, including t動銀hose based on self-organizin有線g network locati們照on, demographics and behavior 議林(adhocnetworks)機如. This is critical.坐女 4, the game of Do not underestimate t照微hose simple games離水 and badges cumulative score作大 of the game,是員 which allows the potential of e-comme離快rce products have been effectiv家民ely carried out. Games of the elec木訊tricity supplier is highly relevant, s拿空ince it can even be w我開idespread use of trad風筆itional electricity supplier website新煙. It improve the loyalty of mobile 吧校phone users have a close relatio火外nship, because those users highly 坐員attracted to the tar員學get, the impulse to buy yet. If the "pl湖林ay" the good, the game between the ups錢自tart technology can create winners an南明d business, this is 暗麗an important distinction. 5, c店樹onsumer awareness of context Co問鄉mpared to computers, mobile phones big謝學gest advantage lies in its ability to 友老provide context. Whethe草吧r through a user l做那ogs to track 靜如their location, or the d什門elivery of dyn上什amic and custom menus, or simply a use吧火r behavior and relatively popu慢爸lar products are mixed, when 員兒users use mobile e-commerce applicatio雨還ns for consumers based on the user's師大 preference 鐘可understanding and action taken by the 嗎內context, is 街腦a key factor西事 in its success.現男

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