WeChat small program
更新時間:2018-06-25 16:29:22•點擊:348897 • Scope of operation門站
It is believed that an市場y new thing will be evaluated b綠區y the enterprise, and 也小the advantages of WeChat applet 朋請development can be業妹 considered clearly. To make clear拍技 the benefits and advantages of small p醫時rogram development, enterprises 子算can be more targete妹房d when making smal站影l programs according to their needs. If呢劇 even the benefits are not known, wh從慢at is the reason for the enterprise to科來 decide to be a small program外輛? Before deciding to do WeChat smal間腦l programs, enter好和prises need to under湖空stand the small program問上s and the benefits of the small間樹 program. The future of the s區子mall program is based on the也章 knowledge of 好筆the small program. The deeper the 是下enterprise knows about small programs, 的對the clearer th少東e advantages are, and the best way從視 to do it is to do marketing and pr在工omotion to sma窗事ll programs in the future.媽習
What are the bene雪我fits of a small p跳校rogram development for an en作議terprise?
1, the most basic advantage of s窗秒mall program developmen森門t is to get more use讀公r traffic, not only t電妹o get traffic, or high quality, low c好吧ost users and traffic, the sooner 是舞the entry into the small p現花rogram market, the more user相喝 traffic is brought, the hi謝筆gher the user loyalty. Through the樂舊 enterprise small program生黑, it can effectively新請 obtain user traffic技身, and has a great help in b科秒rand awareness and image buildin笑市g. 2, why do offline stores have為拿 great interest i內都n small program devel拿答opment, because small businesses 雪湖can achieve the purpose of market讀現ing and realisation. Throug們問h the "nearby s動拿mall program" and "keyword search"了理, the users can search busi木見nesses, make reservations, order mea唱來ls, and enter sto動作res, save the time of 對窗queuing, ordering, and ot離用her meals. It can be consumed dire厭低ctly to the store, not only saves t綠子he time of the user, but also e綠對ffectively impro自雨ves the user's time樂術. The efficiency and profit of the b從間usiness can effectively promote user c姐北onsumption.
The real realization of t路他he interworking between onl算畫ine and offline resour坐鐵ces helps busi城業nesses achieve the pu黃看rpose of marketing and cash change, and制林 gets more users and orders, promot廠對es the popularity of the stores吃木, sets up a brand image, and brings a 為間lot of profits.
3. What are the benefits of small pro問媽gram development? That is to monitor 一空the source of user traffic, by水們 understanding the source and channel o話愛f the user, not 兒低only to establish a database of its ow煙影n, but also to imp靜舞lement personalized marketing, support舊什 the reliable number of activities子是 carried out for the enterprise, 可風and provide users with high q著制uality services and personalities. T員制he satisfaction of changing自做 the demand.
Through the 跳女monitoring of都懂 the source of traffic data, the e坐房nterprise is more deeply aware of the u書兒sers' prefer鐘聽ences and habits, so as to make the be可雪st marketing ac影微tivities and attract consumers' cons化化umption.
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