WeChat small program
更新時間:2018-06-25 16:29:22•點擊:348882 • Scope of ope北東ration
It is believed that any new th草技ing will be evaluated 書市by the enterpr技小ise, and the 會放advantages of WeCh錯海at applet development can be consider呢為ed clearly. To make clear t關新he benefits and advantages視雜 of small program development,影唱 enterprises can be more targ有姐eted when making smal有船l programs according to their needs. If爸公 even the benefits are not known, 章美what is the reason for the en答嗎terprise to decide to be 體北a small progra機唱m? Before deciding to do WeChat多近 small programs, enterprises need日員 to understand the small 小空programs and the benefits of很習 the small program. The那離 future of the small progra機老m is based on the knowledge of the s為從mall program. The deeper the enterprise又人 knows about small programs, the車東 clearer the advantages are, 作著and the best wa離請y to do it i村外s to do mark離黃eting and promotion to small progra民哥ms in the future校術.
What are the ben去不efits of a small program development f空身or an enterprise?錢子
1, the most basic advantage of s黑務mall program 年務development is to get more user tra些輛ffic, not only to get tra厭高ffic, or high quality, 裡她low cost users and traffic,友到 the sooner t海醫he entry into the small program ma但章rket, the more user tra很頻ffic is brought, the higher the長朋 user loyalty. Through the enter少愛prise small program, it can effectively校媽 obtain user traffic, and has a g慢務reat help in brand awareness計來 and image building. 2, why d化些o offline stores have grea服讀t interest in small program de森拿velopment, because small 業家businesses can achieve the purpose o答兒f marketing and 開河realisation. Through the "nearby s也銀mall program" a海購nd "keyword search", the users can器什 search businesses, make reservat公離ions, order meals, and enter s拍章tores, save the time of qu相笑euing, ordering, and other meals. It大船 can be consumed directly to子見 the store, not only saves the time of我舞 the user, but also e員鐵ffectively improves the user's 藍大time. The efficiency and p風嗎rofit of the business can那草 effectively promote us花時er consumption.
The real realization of the interwor看村king between online and offline res機空ources helps business畫舊es achieve the purpo花風se of marketing a銀女nd cash change, 明美and gets more users and o書遠rders, promot新見es the popularit金美y of the stor畫物es, sets up a brand image些理, and brings a 議紙lot of profi請路ts.
3. What are the benefits of smal離站l program developmen笑會t? That is to monitor the so去資urce of user traffic,女地 by understanding 子身the source and channel of the user,票問 not only to establish a datab志雜ase of its own, but 愛如also to implement personalized mark妹務eting, suppor爸日t the reliable 雜白number of activities carried out 快民for the enterprise, and provide users w弟呢ith high quality service紙用s and person少工alities. The satisfaction of唱路 changing the demand.
Through the monitori來公ng of the source of traffic data,民就 the enterprise is more 冷間deeply aware of the users件農' preferences and habits, 請看so as to make the生但 best marketing activitie人電s and attract consumers' consumption裡公.
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