Enterprise internal network securit的討y monitoring solution

更新時間:2018-06-29 11:19:37點擊:288431 Scope of operation

Provider and林家 service provider of network tec林黑hnology solutions

Under the premise of combini從短ng the existing application envir她爸onment of the marke少分t, the network solutions that match t相服he market demand 村黑are continuously introduced離科. At the same time, it a我船lso provides professiona女花l wireless network場暗 solutions for various se看書rvice businesses an花校d industry sites. I就話nnovation, meticulous i國白nnovation, change is not only the t看錯raditional optical fiber netwo志志rk model, but also will show you the請坐 intelligent mobile 吧雨network applica又男tion, give you a kind of unique use of要你 network experi妹視ence, let you easily swim the network w工光orld.

According to the different net南來work architecture at present, differen鐵鐘t forms of wirel放就ess solutions will be adopted看子. It will help businesses to solve熱家 the problems of diffi妹爸cult management, 就我difficult to co科畫ntrol terminal, diffi南務cult to configure e物劇quipment and difficulty in authenti讀要cation promotion.少林

The whole system o男湖f enterprise compre房通hensive security solution男電 is composed of front-end equipment, 術著transmission network and煙兒 monitoring 老議center. The front嗎弟 end covers video surveillance, park老服ing management, intrusion alarm, a的了nd entrance 光工guard card and so on. The constructi看鐘on of the enter又制prise comprehensive村費 management system is not a simple stac看音k for each subsystem, but on the ba請也sis of satisfying短在 the functions of each subsystem, 讀我and seeking 筆都the perfect combination of the 什到internal subsystems and the other int內唱elligent systems.

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