[The solution to the s船嗎ecurity of the Dongyue Temple]
安防解決方案The Dongyue Temple in Xiangfen房好 is located in購答 the county of Xiangfen count短到y. The temple of 跳明Dongyue is grand, magnificent, subtle a月日nd ingeniously con看離ceived, and emanat報照es the spirit, temperament and美見 charm of Chinese trad愛計itional culture. The 工司cypress trees on the mountain生爸s are luxuriant and 裡下luxuriant all year 快睡round, so they 笑如are commonly known as Ba草分ishan temple. The temp車看le has a grand scale and a complete la話村yout. There are 街白more than 60 buildings, such制跳 as the mounta畫公in gate, the templ算照e of Lingxiao, the music bui亮村lding, the hall, the pavil間秒ion, the hall of 北自the Dongyue palace,員個 the ancestral temple, the tem線裡ple of the virgin, the temple of the子這 Qing Dynasty師站, the ancestral temple,腦花 the hells, 花慢the corner building and the circumfer行刀ence gallery.