[Shandong Forestry Group forest f動員ire control wireless network bridge吃弟]
網絡解決方案Shandong Forestry Group fore是文st fire control wi來技reless network bridge
Shandong Forestry Grou為開p Co., Ltd. mainly deals with化在 the cultivation都理 of fast-growing and花山 high-yield forests, the development影綠 of foreign forest resour不的ces, the production, sales and 黃短import and export of wood ba紅分mboo and its products, wood-base可做d panels, furniture, wood chips, fores腦們t products, forest seedlings,森能 flowers and other products, and the 紅高management and trade of fores也高t tourism, forest food material會我s and related produ靜厭cts. At present, the whol河農e process of management and busine還文ss covers the cultivation and ut爸雪ilization of f費慢orestry resources, and has strong 的又strength and a鄉時dvantages in 計說many fields of production and managem不商ent of the forestry whole industr弟飛y chain.