[XinDa internat生少ional financial歌是 enterprise room solution]
鑫達國際金融企業(yè)機房(fáng)解決方案The computer空服 network room is widely u器我sed in various indu女國stries, such as government, elec雨行tric power, telecommunication, me森如dical, railway裡東, army, enterprise and so on. All kinds窗事 of business are黑大 directly supported b美明y these machines.地說 Computer net兒頻work computer room is composed of com如你puter, server, ne有務twork equipment, storage and other k員窗ey equipment. It also這問 includes power supply system, ref東就rigeration system, cabinet sy物河stem, fire contro窗技l system, monitoring sy從低stem and other basic facilities. It i音但s the core of these units. In vi雜裡ew of the hidden danger 件外in the operation and maintenance動暗 of computer network computer room, th答你is scheme monitors and manage銀多s the power, environment高家, network and security, so as 妹見to improve the efficiency of operati了姐on and maintenance and ensur東刀e the safety of the machine room.拿腦