[XinDa international去間 financial enterprise 女畫room solution]
鑫達國際金融企業(yè)機房(愛計fáng)解決方案The computer 習從network room is widely use通子d in various in城低dustries, such as government, elec銀我tric power, telecommunication, medica物多l, railway, army, enterprise and so 美弟on. All kinds 河船of business are direc機門tly supported by t厭是hese machines. Co錯歌mputer network computer room is 請間composed of computer, server, network 綠藍equipment, storage and other 不書key equipment. It a他黑lso includes power supply 金樂system, refrigeration 線光system, cabinet system, fire contro黃市l system, monitoring sys鐘紅tem and other basic fac好嗎ilities. It is the core土音 of these units. In view of th刀資e hidden dange月火r in the operation and maint不機enance of computer微理 network computer room, th房錢is scheme monitor對制s and manages the power, environment, 低城network and security, so as 事現to improve the efficienc問森y of operation and maintenance and ens們服ure the safet鄉機y of the machine r快日oom.