Project Introduction

[XinDa international fina算兵ncial enterprise room solut區影ion]

XinDa internatio師嗎nal financial enterprise room so他金lution

Product Case

The computer network roo多呢m is widely used in variou國問s industries, such as gov計嗎ernment, electric po資些wer, telecommunication, medical, railw錢站ay, army, enterpr市大ise and so on. All kinds of busine務畫ss are directly supported 金媽by these machines劇章. Computer network 如長computer room is composed of c內吧omputer, server, net坐舊work equipment, s鄉麗torage and other k放聽ey equipment銀員. It also includes power supply sy靜好stem, refrigeration 術什system, cabinet system,讀不 fire control車新 system, monitoring system and other b水議asic facilities. 舞通It is the core of these u近路nits. In view of 舊區the hidden danger in the自要 operation and mainte冷去nance of computer netwo慢美rk computer room, this s山爸cheme monitors and m不長anages the power, environment, 問劇network and 我長security, so as to impro我地ve the efficiency of ope志冷ration and m妹內aintenance and ensure the s藍做afety of the machine 東睡room.