[XinDa international financial enter的件prise room solution]
鑫達國際金融企業(yè)機輛如房(fáng)解決方案The computer network r請坐oom is widely used in various業這 industries, such as government, ele暗從ctric power, 店高telecommunication, medical, railway, 湖科army, enterprise and so o如時n. All kinds of做說 business are 內月directly supported by these票計 machines. Computer network computer金慢 room is composed o技計f computer, server, network equip師們ment, storage and 到對other key equipment. It also inclu子見des power supply system, refr作會igeration system, cabinet sys路時tem, fire control system, monitoring 媽體system and other basic facilities. It子事 is the core of these units. 討廠In view of the hidden danger in the o站黃peration and maintenan愛書ce of computer network光新 computer room,議視 this scheme m我民onitors and manages the po睡吧wer, environment, network and 呢你security, so as to imp城到rove the efficiency 車有of operation and m什件aintenance and ensure一章 the safety of the machine 數放room.